This enchanting adaptation of The Nutcracker follows Clara on a magical Christmas Eve that transforms into a vivid dreamscape.  Drosselmeyer the magician gifts her a nutcracker doll, which comes to life at midnight, transforming into a rather good-looking soldier prince who defends her against a horde of rats led by their menacing King. After the battle, Drosselmeyer takes Clara and her friends on a breathtaking journey through space, past stars and galaxies, to the dazzling Kingdom of Sweets where they meet and dance with the elegant Sugar Plum Fairy. Reaching beyond Petipa's traditional classical ballet and Tchaikovsky's original score, Redlands Dance Academy showcases the versatility of its students by incorporating Glenn Millers “In the Nutcracker Mood” and an arrangement of Gustav Holst’s The Planets played live by Redlands musicians.