The Australian Haydn Ensemble, led by Artistic Director Skye McIntosh, is one of Australia’s leading historically informed chamber music ensembles. These talented musicians begin our season with two wonderful quartets from Haydn and Beethoven that morph effortlessly from the lofty to the lowbrow. Then Fanny Mendelssohn’s quartet, apparently the first ever composed by a woman, offers an elegant, if far from ladylike riposte.


HAYDN String Quartet in B-flat major, Op.76 no.4 Sunrise

BEETHOVEN String Quartet in F major, Op.18 no.1

HENSEL (MENDELSSOHN, Fanny) String Quartet in E-flat major, H277


Skye McIntosh (violin)

Matthew Greco (violin)

Karina Schmitz (viola)

Daniel Yeadon (cello)

Sydney Mozart Society is a not-for-profit group promoting the music of Mozart and other great composers and providing Sydney audiences with world-class performances by leading chamber musicians.

For more about Sydney Mozart Society and to attend all six concerts in our 75th season visit us here