Good news! Finally, the "Taiwan Charity Concert in Sydney" will be held again at The Concert Hall on The Concourse, Chatswood between 7:00pm and 9:00pm on Monday 15 July 2024. A wonderful charity concert by Taiwanese and local artists, performing orchestral music with Taiwanese characteristics.

At the end of 2019, the Taiwanese community in Sydney jointly successfully held the first event, which was warmly welcomed. After the Covid-19 epidemic, many people are looking forward to the continuation of activities. After nine months of preparation in three cities in Taiwan and Australia, the passionate music from Kaohsiung, Taiwan - Chia Yin Chamber Orchestra, Te-Sheng Youth String Orchestra and A-Team Saxophone Ensemble, is about to launch an Australian city exchange charity tour in July this year. In Sydney and Brisbane, they will hold charity concerts with local Australian music elites on 15th of July and 20th of July respectively.

All proceeds from the Taiwan Charity Concert in Sydney will be donated to Mary’s House Services - proactively, pre-emptively helping women and children escape domestic violence and saving lives.

For further details, please visit the official website Tickets are $30, $15 for full-time students and under 18 years old.

好消息!終於即將再度舉辦『雪梨台灣慈善音樂會』了!將於7月15日星期一晚上七時至九時,在威樂比市 (Chatswood) 的國際級The Concourse 音樂廳 (Concert Hall) 盛大舉辦,由台灣與雪梨本土藝術菁英同台精彩表演,演繹具有台灣特色的管弦樂。

2019 年底雪梨僑界共同成功舉辦了第一屆,一時傳為佳話,疫情後許多鄉親期盼能再續辦。經過九個月的跨台、澳三市的籌備,來自台灣高雄的熱情樂音 - 佳音室內樂團、德生教會德生樂集及A-Team薩克斯風合奏團,即將於今年七月進行澳洲城市交流慈善巡迴之旅,分別於7月15日在雪梨及7月20日在布里斯本,將結合澳洲本地音樂精英,共同舉辦慈善音樂會。

雪梨台灣慈善音樂會結餘將全數捐助家暴防護救助慈善單位Mary’s House Services,主動積極地幫助婦女和兒童擺脫家庭暴力並拯救生命。
